We organize complexity
We find the signal in the noise for you
Executive Briefing Packs
Daily Intelligence Briefs. Tailored to the needs of C-Suite executives. Cut through the chatter.
Contact us below so we can craft the right solution for your company.
Based on mainstream media, open source, confidential human sources, deep and dark web mining.
Our briefs are tailored to cover:
- Your business sector and what your competitors are doing
- Political developments relevant to your needs
- Regulatory and legislative developments affecting you
- New technological developments
- Market challenges and opportunities
Security Briefs
Designed specifically for security professionals, leaders in their field, to keep them in touch instantly with the latest security updates in frontier markets and conflict zones.
Providing situational awareness, incident and asset tracking promotes accountability and transparency by maintaining comprehensive records of incidents, actions taken, and the individuals involved, aiding in post-incident analysis, investigation, and learning.
Contact us through the link below to discuss our suite of security briefing products.
Due Diligence
WIthout due diligence, you are operating blind.
Due diligence helps to ensure the success and fairness of a business transaction or investment. It allows all parties involved to have a clear understanding of the details and potential risks of the transaction, as well as benefits.
We've performed thousands of due diligence investigations across the globe. Talk to us about how we can help.
Geopolitical Analysis
Geopolitics matters. Our world is no longer familiar. Businesses that don't understand geopolitics are unable to respond to our rapidly changing international political and security dynamics.
If you were running an international NGO or a multinational FMCG business, wouldn't you want to understand the geopolitical causes and implications of the conflict in Ukraine, or Sudan? #GeopoliticsMatters
Predictive Analytics
No plan survives first contact. But planning is essential. In our stochastic world, absolute prediction is impossible, but scenario planning and probability estimates are essential.
Our team has extensive experience in scenario planning and predictive estimates. We have a proprietary methodology that has been proven successful on multiple occasions in critical situations.
Our methods have been proven in the toughest environments, talk to us about how they can help you.
Multilingual Media Analysis
Sentiment analysis, thought leaders and influencers, social trends, mainstream media, social media... Our team will make sure you understand the trending direction of public sentiment, and the motivations. We have native language fluency: you can't use online translators to understand what people are saying in Korean, Iraqi Arabic, or Catalan Spanish. That's our niche.
Are you ready to work with us to grow your enterprise?
Talk to us - there's nothing more precious than your time
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